Mr. T & Hulk Hogan Show All The Hulkamaniacs What It Takes To Train For WrestleMania 1
Eat your vitamins, train hard, and say your prayers. It’s a way of life for all the Hulkamaniacs around the world, both big and small…
Eat your vitamins, train hard, and say your prayers. It’s a way of life for all the Hulkamaniacs around the world, both big and small…
It was a feud stewing in the pot for nearly two decades, helped along with real world legal troubles and a character larger …
Hollywood Hogan and his New World Order remain one of the more visceral time periods in professional wrestling history …
It was Mr. Wonderful and Hulk Hogan against the world – a tag team pairing that was ready and able to take down King …
One fateful October evening in 1987, the raw power of Hulkamania came to the rescue of an old enemy. Randy Savage, The …
Everyone knows Hulk Hogan by his trademark bandana and beard; ripping shirts and Hulking Up to leg drop challengers with…