André The Giant Turns On Hulk Hogan For A Shot At The Heavyweight Title
Back in the early days of the Hulkster’s career, professional wrestling already had its fair share of legendary icons. Bruno …
Back in the early days of the Hulkster’s career, professional wrestling already had its fair share of legendary icons. Bruno …
Detroit, Michigan has never been as loud as it was the night of October 23rd, 1994. The WCW was in town and all the little …
There was always something different about Muhammad Ali, and brother I don’t think anyone except The Greatest himself …
Eat your vitamins, train hard, and say your prayers. It’s a way of life for all the Hulkamaniacs around the world, both big and small…
It was a feud stewing in the pot for nearly two decades, helped along with real world legal troubles and a character larger …
Hollywood Hogan and his New World Order remain one of the more visceral time periods in professional wrestling history …