There was always something different about Muhammad Ali, and brother I don’t think anyone except The Greatest himself really saw the world the way he did. His vision for life was inspiring to everyone around him, giving hope to so many in a time that needed a hero. Someone to look up to and show the way through a world that was going through some dark times.
He was a big influence on the Hulkster’s life too, and gave his special brand of hope when the dark storms came rumbling through. It was the way he looked at life brother; it was unlike any other person you’d meet. There was no obstacle too big and no consequence too serious to intimidate Ali into caving. He stuck to his guns and fired back, taking his lumps when they came his way. But he always got back up brother, and it was magic to experience. Even when Uncle Sam stripped him down, took everything he worked so hard to get and branded him an outlaw, Ali didn’t flinch. He came back roaring, louder than anyone who dared stand in his way.
In the ring, he was a dancing man with rockets for punches. Outside of it, he was one of the most caring and empathetic guys you could imagine. He knew that the power of his iconic status could do great things for the world, and he always revelled in the chance to meet a new person and make an impact on their life. His work in professional wrestling was an incredible experience to witness, and you wouldn’t believe some of the stories that happened behind the scenes.
He was a butterfly, a bee, and a human. He is one of the greatest athletes to walk the Earth brother, and he will be missed.